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What is the Gospel Bible

Easter: The Rest of the Story

Easter is a time when sincere Christians meditate on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In our discussions, many seem to consider that the last twelve hours of Jesus’ life, ending with His dying on the cross, is what produced forgiveness for the sins of mankind. The whole consideration goes no further than His physical suffering on the cross. You may have imagined what it would have been like… Read More »Easter: The Rest of the Story

Our Master Yahshua the Messiah

How would a man act if he was like God?

One of the most difficult things to imagine is: ”how would God act if he were a man?” Or “how would a man act if he was like God?” Would he be the most loving person? What would that look like? Would he always be giving thanks and praising his Father and the good he saw in those around him? Would he be expressing joy even while suffering? Would he… Read More »How would a man act if he was like God?



REAL. That’s the word you would use to describe him. He wasn’t playing a game. He wasn’t projecting some image, trying to get people to look up to him. If ever you asked him to tell you about himself, he might say something like, “I am who I am.” That would be a pretty good description. There wasn’t a speck of deceit in him. He didn’t have anything up his… Read More »REAL

Yahshua in Hebrew letters

The Name Above All Names

 In the days of John the Baptist and the Son of God, the preserved language of the devout Jews was Hebrew. So, when the angel Gabriel brought the good news to the Hebrew virgin, Miriam (or Mary in English), that she would give birth to the Savior of the world, and told her what His name would be, what language do you suppose he spoke? Hebrew, of course! And certainly… Read More »The Name Above All Names