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Easter Sunday – Empty Pews

Empty Pews on Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday, 2020, how many must long to be seated in their pews with others on that special day, but not be able to do so? We are all in quarantine to prevent this plague from spreading further than it already has. Stay home, we’ve been told, to save lives.


The memories many of us have of past Easter Sundays, sitting in our family pew, looking at our decorative Easter Sunday Service Program. Usually it would have a large gold cross with Easter lilies on it, and have the words, “He is Risen” printed on the front. Inside were our cues: “All rise” and “All be seated” were clearly printed there so that we would know what to do and when.

The minister or pastor would be up front in his white and gold robes, or suit and tie (depending on denomination), and every seat would be taken. There would be standing room only on this one special day of the year. At some point in the responsive reading, the program prompted you that the minister was going to say, “He’s risen!” and all would say in unison, “He is risen indeed!”

Easter Program

I remember always wondering, “Couldn’t there be something more to worshiping God than this?” I hated it because it did not really seem sincere; there was much pomp of ceremony, and you had to make sure you were on cue with the prescribed order. But what about what 1 Corinthians 14:26 says in the Bible?

How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification…

Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge. But if anything is revealed to another who sits by, let the first keep silent. For you can all prophesy one by one, that all may learn and all may be encouraged. And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.

(1 Corinthians 14:26, 29-33)

Life or Death?

How would such church gatherings be possible? Where on earth, you may ask, can you actually worship the living God in this way?

Singing Together in our Church Gatherings
Everyone brings something to share!

There may be a televised service or a live broadcast that you watch of your favorite Mega-Church, this Easter Sunday, but as your finger pushes the button you may realize that it’s really nothing but entertainment to cause you to ascend emotionally or mentally, but with no spiritual connection to the One who gave you life.

That religious system we were a part of seemed so dead to us. It has no real life to call people into… and so it was for me on Easter Sunday for so many years growing up in rural America. But I am here to tell you that now I am part of a gathered people who are striving to be a witness of the fullest expression of the Son of God on this earth.

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

(1 Peter 2:9-10)


For us, Easter Sunday is not a day of Easter hats and pretty programs, but instead we celebrate the authentic, restored Passover celebration, which was the root of what later became something so different.

We are a people, standing together as a demonstration of our loving Creator to a dying world. We have come to know Yahshua, (the authentic name of the true Savior – read more about His name here) who is supposed to be worshiped at this time. We have been sanctified by His blood — the blood of our Passover Lamb and our beloved King.

Then those who feared God spoke to one another, and the Sovereign listened and heard them; so a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Sovereign and who esteem His name. “They shall be Mine,” says the Sovereign of hosts, “On the day that I make them My treasured possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.” Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between the one who serves God and one who does not serve Him.

(Malachi 3:16-18)

If you are as I was, unsatisfied on Easter Sunday, seeking and searching to find the authentic and restored people of God, a place has been prepared for you, but only if you are willing to do ALL of God’s will. In our Father’s house there are many rooms which He desires to fill up with all those who He desperately needs to make up His treasured possession.

Yes, it may seem amazing to you to hear all of this. But there are many amazing things happening in these days. You must believe that the God of Heaven needs surrendered lives to complete His demonstration of love on the earth, and you can be part of it.